Sustainable Print

At Gosford Printing we view sustainability not just as an enviromental resposibility but a way of doing business. Respect not just for our Earth and Forests, but also for our staff, local communities and of course, our customers.

At Gosford Printing we use vegetable based inks, recycled certified papers and a paper recycling program that ensures no paper is wasted. This contributes to the cycle of paper being used over and over again. In fact paper can have a recycle lifespan of up to eight times.

Some Interesting Facts About Sustainable Print

Paper is one of the few truly sustainable products

Paper is based on wood, a natural and renewable material. As trees grow, they absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. Furthermore, as a wood product, the paper also continues to store carbon throughout its lifetime. One of the best ways to address climate change is to use more wood, not less. Wood is simply the most abundant, biodegradable and renewable material on the planet. Sustainable forestry is the key to longevity in the paper industry. With the majority of paper and pulp products being sourced from Sustainable Plantation Forests it ensures we have a continued and abundant source of raw material in which to use and recycle.

Paper has one of the lowest carbon footprints

Wood is the world’s most renewable raw material. As the effects of global warming impact on our environment, the use of renewable and sustainable building materials has never been so important. Paper products and the printing sector is one of the lowest industrial greenhouse gas emitters. Manufacturing industries account for 24% of all EU greenhouse gas emissions, of this Paper only contributes 0.9%

Paper is one of the most recycled products in the world

  • Paper recycling rates in Australia are amongst the highest in the world with over 87% of all paper and paperboard being recovered.
  • Australia’s only local newsprint producer recycles 100,000 tonnes of old newspapers and magazines each year as part of its production of newsprint.
  • Australia’s only local copy paper producer recently invested in a recycled paper production facility for office paper which diverts up to 80,000 tonnes of waste paper per annum from landfill.

Print and Paper in A Digital World

  • An international survey of over 10,700 consumers by independent research company Toluna found in June 2017 some very interesting facts.
  • Consumers worldwide prefer to read the printed version of books (72%), magazines (72%) and newspapers/news (55%) over digital options. Many respondents also indicated that reading in print is more enjoyable than reading electronically.
  • More consumers believe they gain a deeper understanding of the story when read from print media (65%) over online news sources (49%). In addition, consumers also trust the stories read in printed newspapers (51%) more than stories found on social media (24%).
  • Many consumers do not pay attention (68%) to online advertisements and (57%) do their best to avoid them.


Elemental Chlorine Free
ISO 14001 EMS - Environmental Management Systems
Process Chlorine Free
PEFC® Certified
Responsible Forestry Practices
Totally Chlorine Free
Australian Made

What really matters is,

Paper and print have been in our lives for hundreds of years giving us real hard copy media that can be used over and over again without leaving an imprint on our enviroment. Once created, print requires no power, no consumables and no harm to our enviroment.

For this reason we stand by the following mantra.

At Gosford Printing it is our passion to create quality printed media, which is not only visually appealing, but emotionally connected to its audience. Print is tangible, long lasting and a product of significance.

A message from a client

The team at Gosford Printing are amazing! We have used them for many years and have always been impressed with the professionalism and care taken with all aspects for printing. They are always...


Gosford Printing uses FSC-certified paper.
Australian owned and operated.
The FSC label identifies products that
come from anenvironmentally and socially
responsible source.